Yeah, so I copied the name for this blogspot from a great website - - which has information about what's happening (culturally speaking) in Santiago.  But today I did have quite a cultural day lol.

In the morning I joined the Lenas on an activity they had at the university.  It was half-Spanish half-Russian;  the Spanish part, which I could understand, I found very interesting.  Since I know basically nothing about Ukraine, I learned quite a lot.  I went along as photographer.

A few hours later, at the end of ludoteca time, Nuria told me that there was a theatre production she was going to see and did I want to join.  It was free!  We went to the flat to eat and tell the others about the theatre and Lena came along.  Walking to the theatre, one of Nuria´s friends called to see where she was - we were obviously late.  Then we ran through the old city and got just in time.

We had seats in the balcony and had an aerial view of the production.  It was in Gallego but I understood :o)  Going to the theatre was great - I had missed theatre a lot.  Back in Malta I was a regular theatre-goer.  But last year I saw not one play.  For the first half of the year I was travelling and I returned to my country only for a few weeks in summer before coming to Spain.

So I was really keen to see the play.  Paying the theatre a visit had been on my agenda for some time but I´d never gotten round to it.  During the first months I didn't have enough of a grasp of Spanish to be able to appreciate a play.  Then when my Spanish improved I still didn't go, for some odd reason.  If truth be told there were a lot of activities going on; touring other parts of Galicia, going to England, visits from my girlfriend - and in the end I never remembered to look for what was on in the theatre world here!  In the end the theatre found me :o)


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