Intercultural days

The month of May for all the volunteers was marked by different intercultural activities. Starting with Don Bosco and then there were or will be international evenings, concerts, etc. almost in each of our centers. Of course according to spanish traditions any "fiesta" can´t be without food, that´s why for several weeks already we have the permanent impression of cooking always. But thanks to it each of us has already his own specialty. For example the one of David is “kish lorraine”, Marinne is a specialist of chocolate cakes, Fritzi – of meatball, etc…Well, after our EVS we can open an international restaurant in Santiago.

Yesterday it was Conxo´s turn (means Fritzi and me) to organise an international night. From the morning we had a very busy day with a lot of difficulties with shopping, two hours running and searching for products in Corte Ingles (a huge supermarket), tree hours in the kitchen cooking several things in the same time and many other small problems. But the result was worth it! The evening was successful, there were enough people, which is not a frequent thing in Conxo. Everyone seemed to be happy and participated with pleasure and entusiasm in all activities that we prepared. The food as well was very good. I could draw this conclusion from two things: the first one is that in the end all the dishes were empty y the second one is that the next day when I came to the center instead of “Hello” I heard from my coleagues: “we want the recipies of everything!”. And of course, the element which is traditional already for these our evenings – music and everyone singing accompanied by guitar. Thank you very much, Dobra! Her “Ore Ore” bacame an absolute hit not only in volunteers´ flat.

Inspite of tiredness, nerves, and preocupations during the whole day in the end of the evening I was very happy. I like very much the events like this, because they give you a lot of positive emotions.

The next point of our intercultural program is a concert in Fontiñas and for the end – another intercultural evening in Los Tiíllos.


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