Bike Ride

On Sunday a bike ride was organised by the centre, on occasion of the Federation Day (the centre operating within a hierarchy where the Federation is made up of different centres as far as I can fathom).  We met at around noon in front of the centre and, after a very nice guy called David sorted out all our bikes (checking brakes, fixing seat heights, etc), we set off on our way.

It was a very nice ride, starting from the city centre, passing through to the outskirts until we reached the riverside.  It was a very hot day - for the others at least;  I thoroughly enjoyed it, give me a sweltering hot afternoon any day instead of rain.  And here I must say that, me who’s always complaining about the rainy weather, has been jumping for joy these past weeks due to the sunshine.  We’ve been getting some really warm days.  The Galicians are complaining that this heat leaves them lacking energy.  (At least Lorena, one of the monitors, is sincere enough to admit that the real thing is not that she doesn’t like the sun but that in this weather all she wants to do is lay down next to the pool at her home.  Fair enough!)

After the ride (which was hard work) we got to the riverbank and received our prize:  there was a churrascaría (all sorts of meat on barbecue) for everyone while I lunched on salad, cheese and smoked trout.  Farruco brought this food for me (being the only (semi-)vegetarian) and he took the opportunity to take the mickey ‘Here we’ve got all these delicious meats and I had to bring along this funny stuff!’  but Yuyo commented that he liked my food, which was much healthier! hehe

All in all it was a great day: not only were we graced with lovely weather, rode bikes (which as well as being good exercise, I find very enjoyable), we spent some nice relaxed time by the river and Dobra and I had the opportunity to get to spend some time with the Don Bosco people and get to know them that little bit better.

This week a Turkish volunteer is coming to visit who’s doing her EVS in Murcia.  We met her at the evaluation seminar in April.  She’s coming with a friend of hers who, if I understood correctly, is one of her flatmates.  The couchsurfing experience is being expanded through the volunteering programe :o)


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