Less than two weeks ago we bid Marine farewell.  She was the second to leave our “family” of volunteers.  We were a group of 12 in total and now we’re 10 left.  Marine was an integral part of our life here in Santiago.  She was always egging people on to go out, do stuff together and have fun.  In just her first weeks here we had a running joke that she´d tell you “Come on - you never come out with us!” when someone had spent a few evenings at home.

Well, and with this ‘bye bye our friend’ a realisation slid in place:  I realised that now the farewell season has started.  David’s going home this Friday and we’ll bid Fritzi aloha in less than two weeks.  Then Eva’s leaving at the end of July -less than a month from now!  And us who finish last ... our projects terminate in exactly two months, that is we’ve only got 8 weeks left.  How little time!

And with all this?  I had to decide for real what to do when my project ends at the end of August.  My post-EVS plans have gone through a number of changes.  I came here to Spain with the idea in mind to see how I find life in Spain and if I liked it I’d stay on living here.  I was already harbouring a wish to live in Spain and this project would make it a reality - for just a year or for more was the question.  This plan then evolved into moving to England after my EVS.  I had a (Maltese) girlfriend who lives in Oxford and I was going to move there to live near her (subject to the relationship being in a good state).  However I wasn’t really keen on moving to England (I’m an Hispanophile) and in the end the relationship died out and my plan returned to staying in Spain.  At least this was a good side of the happenings coz I could have a real focus on what to do and be able to plan accordingly.

So I decided to move to Barcelona.  For various reasons.  In the end this also changed and I’m going to stay here in Santiago!


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