Santiago...rain is an art.

They use to say it here and it’s better to believe it because if not it’s very easy to become crazy o get a deep depression because of this particular climate. Of course before coming here I was said that it rained a lot in Santiago but the notion of “raining a lot” was different. “A lot” here means too much, sometimes for entire weeks without stop.
For me grey days without sun are always sad and bring me a bad mood but the worst thing is a rainy weekend in June. This Sunday was exactly like this… From the morning the weather made us forget all plans to go to a beach or at least to spend a day out. But one always should search for some positive moments in each situation. So after sleeping enough we all gathered in the kitchen like an exemplary family enjoying late breakfast. After several cups of tee/coffee and endless conversations about everything, the hope that the rain would stop was disappearing gradually. Well, in Santiago if you wait for rain to stop for going out, you´ll spend your whole life at home. So I decided to go for a walk with Fritzi and Lena in spite of everything.
The umbrellas didn´t help a lot because besides an enormous quantity of falling water there was a very strong wind (I thought that Santiago is a perfect place for testing the quality of umbrellas:), well mine turned out to be good enough). When we came to the cathedral we didn´t really care if it was raining or not because we were already completely wet. But (oh miracle!) we weren´t angry with the weather any more, looking at each other, alones in the middle of the square under the rain we burst out laughing. We started to take pictures of the cathedral, our wet faces, and umbrellas flying with the wind, some piligrims which weren´t lucky enough to come to the city with this weather…Or they were lucky, because to say the truth there is something special in the rain of Santiago…something magic and artistic.
The only thing is that the magic can´t last forever, so it makes me hope that the sun will come soon :)


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