Who is Don Bosco?

John Bosco is a priest of the 19th century born in the north of Italy in a family of poor farmer. Raised by his mother in the catholic religion, he left his family at the age of twelve, lived few years in streets (when he will show his skills as magician, juggler and acrobat) than met Br. Joseph Calosso, an elderly priest who will support his first schooling. He become priest in 1846 in Turin and dedicated his life to the education of street children. John Bosco believed more in love than in punishment in teaching and his method is based on three components : Reason, religion and Kindness, that will be called later The preventive system. He founded the Salesian order in 1859, dedicated to the education of boys, and in 1871 with the help of Maria Mazzarello, The institute of the Daughters of Mary help of Christians that will do the same work with girls. Don Bosco died in 1888 at the age of 71, but he managed to create a network of organizations all around the world to carry on his work. He was canonized in 1934 and popularly known as the saint patron of illusionist.
Don Bosco's day in the ludoteca
The 31th of January, anniversary of Don Bosco's death, was an occasion to celebrate is life and work in the ludoteca.
At this occasion, all the monitors decided to perform for the children. Thibaud and three others monitors performed a number of jugglery disguised in clown. Then Nora, me and another monitor we offer a competition for the prize of "Best Clown of the World". Competed for this prize, Rina the magician (nice word play because magician is "Maga" in spanish and "Magarina" is margarine" :-D), Corchea the musician and Pirueta the ballerina.
Here you will find some pictures of the different shows we created this day.
We also had the presentation of a new activity we will do with the children: Capoiera. You can watch the video of the monitor who will work with us, performing Capoiera (quite impressive! I'm not sure we will be able to do that ^^)