Metro and going out in Madrid

For the weekend we went to Madrid. When we landed, we went to metro and bought a ticket for two days. It turned out that the ticket only works untill midnight, not 48 hours like we expected. For example, if you buy a ticket for one day at 23.55. it will be valid for 5 minutes, but you would still pay the full price.

Clubbing in Madrid can be quite expensive. Beer can be 9€, and cocktails are over 11-12€. But fortunately, we were introduced to the noble job called ˝Street boy˝. Street boy is a person who sells drinks on the street. So you can go out of the club with an excuse that you need a smoke, get stamped, and drink a beer outside for 1€ insted of the one inside for 9€. This is good if you like beer, if you want a Cuba libre, you might be disapointed. And this doesn't work on rainy days.



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