New team in Santiago!


Since the beginning of September, the team has changed! There are now four new volunteers in Santiago: Tamara from Serbia, Daria from Russia and Anne and Toni from Luxembourg. Two of them are working in Os Tilos. The two others in de ETL Don Bosco, more precisely in the ludoteca (and a few hours in the office, working on this blog).

Last week, we had our on-Arrival Training (Formacion a la llegada) with the other volunteers from the north of Spain. Great people, nice atmosphere, helpful informations: a good experience! And since the training was... in Santiago(!), it rained a lot... But not all the time! We could find some sunny moments to show our beatiful city to the other volunteers.

And this is it for the moment! During the next few month, we will try to continue to share with you some aspects of our experience as volunteers here in Santiago de Compostela. We hope you'll enjoy it!


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