Congreso Internacional de Xuventude

Last weekend, Tamara and I went to the International Congress for Youth in Riveira. We thought it could be useful, since we will have to promote the EVS program in schools and also provide informations about it to the youngsters who come to the Center.

During one and a half day, we listened to the presentations and participated to the workshops of a certain number of actors from the youth field: politicians, professors, economists, members of NGO's... and of course youngsters. We heard about a lot of very interesting initiatives and researches concerning the formal and non formal education, and especially their collaboration on every level in order to build a  civic, educated and proactive generation of youngsters.

Unfortunately, some workshops couldn't be performed properly due to a lack of time, and the part about the Erasmus + program (which will replace the EVS next year) was not very enlightening...
But all in all it was an interesting and motivating experience.


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