Arrival Training in TOLEDO 25 nov. - 30 nov. 2013

To begin I'd like to thanks all the people present in this formation. It was a wonderful moment in my EVS.

We were in San Servando Castle in the old part of Toledo city during 5 days.We were 27 persons from all the europeans parts Bulgary, Germany, Portugal, France, Russia, Lituania, Ukraine, ... . We had a good place to do our activities and to learn each one each others.

In this session we learn all the details about the different projects in Spain for the EVS. Then we talk about the cultures how to understand, how to accept the others, it means tolerance. Furthermore we have some pratical informations in order to realize the best EVS, We have seen how to cook Spanish food, how to be protected by AXA insurance. We did lots of games to learn in a pedagogic way the serious subjects. For example quizz, sillas musicales,... . Also we have visited Toledo's monuments like churchs, synagogues and protection walls of the city.

After you can learn more about this week in this video :

Nico,3rd decmber 2013


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