Christmas camp

During Christmas time, Don Bosco organized a christmas camp from the 23rd December to the 8th of January. During this camp we received 40 children each day, and we divided them in 2 groups: the little kids (from 4 to 6 years old) and the bigger (from 7 to 13 years old). Some days, when we were just a few, we gathered the groups. The monitors team was composed by 6 Spanish and 3 Europeans voluntaries.

During these 2 weeks we tried to mix all types of activities. So we suggested different activities, like crafts, sports, treasure hunts, board games. And sometimes, we let the children choose their favorite activity and they surprised us with games that we didn’t know yet.
We also did a lot of handcrafts in order to develop the children’s creative spirit. We did for example a workshop of Christmas cards, decorated with glitter, colors, newspapers or magazines. Besides we did trees and stars in 3D with cardboards papers. The children had a model and they had to cut around it. Also we did origamis (boxes in starshape) and they drew it to decorate it.
Moreover we had sport activities for the physical aspect of the camp. The games were for example  araña, brilé, juego de palmada, balon sentado, … We tried to develop speed, precision, flexibility, technique, … . The traditional galician games were also a part of this session. We decided to organize mini olympic games and let the children try a lot of different activities.

So, after 2 weeks, the european voluntaries know more people and children, we learnt a lot about Galician games and also about the possibilities that the Don Bosco center offers.



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