Carnival camp
From 3rd to 5th march we prepared some days for
the carnival camp. The activities were scheduled by our regular monitors from
the toy library. We had scheduled different types of games, crafts, songs and tales.
To be more efficient we divided the children in 2 groups : the little kids (from
4 to 8 years old) and the bigger (from 8 to 12 years old).
At first we began with traditional presentations
games like Cestas de frutas, te gustan
tus vecinos, tu color preferido, … .
After to
encourage the children we had songs to start up and tales like for example: los coches que se chocan, voy en busca de un
León, hola me llamo Curro o la Sandía, … .
Then with the crafts we built carton planes,
joke glasses, plaster masks, balloons decorated. At the end, the children were
glad to take it and play with their own creations.
Also we took advantage of the good weather to
do activities out like sportive or other kind of activity like escondite or el brile.
At the end of the camp, we’ve seen that 3 days
it’s very short but we had a good weather to play. Besides the children learnt
new things thanks to the tales, songs and collective activities.