Training in Ourense with the minders of the Ludoteca

Between the 28th and 29th of march the minders of the Ludoteca of Don Bosco met in Ourense to attend a training. We were hosted by the school of Don Bosco in Ourense, there we had a room we could work in and a room to sleep.
The training started with an interview to get to know each other better. We formed groups of two and had a paper with different questions to ask our partner.

Afterwards we spoke about the operation of the Ludoteca:
- The activities
- The responsabilities of the minders
- The rights of the minders
- The norms and objectives of the Ludoteca
- The values of Don Bosco

In the afternoon we played a game called "mission impossible". In groups of 4 we had to answer questions about the city of Ourense. A good way to get to know the city while at the same time having fun!

Marie and Judith


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