Second training of EVS in Molina

During his SVE, the volunteer takes part in two trainings:  
  • The first oneis in the  begining of the project, it is called " the arrival's training "
  • The second is in the middle of the project, is called a " middle evaluation of EVS"
From April 20 to April 24, 6 of all the volunteers of Santiago de Compostela were to Molina, a little village, in the north of Malaga.
We have done our training with other 150 volunteers.
This week was the occasion to see persons that we meet to the first training.
We came on Monday evening, after 14 hours of trip, so we were so tired!

During 3 days, we had different workshop from 9h30 until 19h30. Of course the journey was long but finaly there was a big dynamic and each volounteer participated.  


We spoke about a  lot of things like our projetc, the evaluation of it, we spoke about the Youthpass, we shared our experience, our skills, and a lot of information, We presented our region, the group of Galicia did a little sketch on all the stereotypes of the region, as the pilgrims, the cathedral, the beer ('Estrella de Galicia", the liqueur of coffee, the rain,... And of course we spoke Galiego!
 We presented our region, the group of Galicia did a little sketch on all the stereotypes of the region, as the pilgrims, the cathedral, the beer ('Estrella de Galicia", the liqueur of coffee, the rain,... And of course we spoke Galiego!
The wednesday, we visited Malaga, we made a promotion of the EVS in the streets of the city with flyers.

 On Thursdays evenings it was in the turn of the volunteers to organize the last evening. Charlotte and Marie, two volunteers of Santiago, participated in the organization and in the animation of the evening. With their group of organizers they proposed a television quiz show, where every group had to dance and sing and the public had to give a note. 

So, this training was a good way  to evaluate our project, to share our experience and to listen to that of the others to be able to modify or improve our project. And well on a good way to meet new people!



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