Ágora Mobilidade

On March 15 we attended to a meeting organized by the Ministry of Social Policy through the General Directorate of Xuventude, Participation and Volunteering. The meeting took place at the Faculty of Economics and Business at USC where the European volunteers (Jessica and Imola), our coordinator and a Spanish ex-volunteer we were all present. We had to give information about EVS, publicize a little bit this type of mobility program which seems to me a very good idea because being volunteer is more valid to provide information about certain things. Unfortunately there were just a few people and I could not test me many times about my ability to explain but still I count on a very good experience.

The first time, we attended a speech with the theme of mobility Experiences of mobility abroad, factor of success in the labor market which was interesting to see the different possibilities and difficulties in finding a job that is more difficult every day.

After that there were different presentations: 
  • Youth Leadership: Transversal competences for mobility 
  • Intermusic: Final Degree Project of students of Communication Sciences to take the music throughout Europe.
  • Europe a punto: Tour of the different options of the Escola de Tempo Libre Don Bosco for mobility in Europe. 
The Escola de Tempo Libre Don Bosco had a presentation on the experiences of an ex-volunteer and the possibilities offered by our organization in relation to the SVE.


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