Intermediate Evaluation in Mollina

Jessica and I went to the Intermedaite Evaluation of April, between 18-22, in Mollina. Mollina is 1.5 hour from Málaga that wasn't so clear for me and I went there with the illusion that Málaga would be there at my feet. We stayed at the facility CEULAJ that first seemed a labyrinth but that has to do with my non existent skills in orienting myself.

From Tuesday til Thursday we had activities from 9 am until midnight that seemed to me too much but Spain has a different pace of life. The truth is that the evaluative activities ended at around 19:30 but after the dinner we had some more funny and entertaining activities leaving more freedom of self-expression. So, Tuesday night we all participated in the Noche Culturcreativa where as a tradition we all had to present our autonomous community in Spain. Acting is not my thing but as I had a viable idea at the time I was indirectly named "coordinator" of this activity. Fortunately, Galicia was about 12 representatives which helped to organize something in which no one was in the spotlight. We focused on some obvious aspects such as rain and that here also is spoken the Galician language and not just the Spanish. And what else? We also mentioned the high consumption of octopus and at the end we closed our show imitating the bagpipes and tambourine and performing a recently learned and rehearsed Galician dance. I think that at the end we could make a fairly accurate representation.

The other presentations were also quite interesting but having participants from almost every regions would take a lot of time to write about all of them that means that unfortunately I have to skip that part.

On Wednesday afternoon we went to Granada what everybody was afraid of because in Mollina the weather forced us to take on the jacket but the European volunteers can't be stopped by anything and anybody. So we went to Granada and half of the participants attended the a guided tour and the other half went on his own to explore a little part of this beautiful city. We had a great time but after having fun we face the part of the divulgation that was a little more difficult. We had to record 10 videos of more or less 10 seconds with at least 5 foreigners felicitating the SVE for his twentieth birthday and at the end a video was made with all records of the three groups.

On Thursday night some volunteers offered to organize the activity of that last night what was called "Mollina got talent". Although many of us did not dare to participate in the show with our own talent but we were there cheering and encouraging the participants who entertained us with some very original performances.
And to close all these days we went to a bar, the only bar that opened for us and we had fun for a while. Some people a little more, some people a little less but we all had a great time. And the next morning only 2 people stayed there because of oversleeping. It is a good statistic, I think. And the positive thinking of the volunteers was well shown when the girls uploaded a photo with this next comment: "We missed the bus but not the sun."

The activities were interesting in generally but sometimes a bit boring but that's "because of our center," which, for example, informed us very well about Youthpass and also had a meeting on the subject so this activity iself in the Intermediate Evaluation didn't catch my attention. But of course that all activities were important for us to be able to deal with the problems and / or tasks and projects the remaining time of our volunteering and to develope ourselves more effectively in the future.


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