Arrival training in TOLEDO 21st-26th November 2016

 We were 2 volunteers from Santiago, we stayed 5 days in San Servando Castle in the old part of the city Toledo.

We were 23 volunteers from France, Deutsche, Germany, Romania, Poland, Portugal, Italy... plus 4 trainers.

During our first evening we did some ice break games to get to know each other ( speed-dating).

Moreover we did a lot of games and activities witch helped us to learn some very serious subjects pedagogically, to understand what an European Volunteer Service is, to know what it is to be volunteer, and to know more about Spanish culture, we also had some very interesting debates about Europe and gender equality. We also received some practical information about Cigna (insurance).

Ex European volunteers came and share their own experience with us and answered to our questions.

During the last few days we visited Toledo's monuments and the city itself with a tour guide.

I would like to thank all the people present on this training course, the volunteers and trainers, it was a very interesting training I learned a lot things.


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