Don Bosco Nadal 22nd December to the 5th January

 Every year for Christmas, Don Bosco organizes “Bosco Nadal”. This year 100 children’s were registered. Some kids came in December, others only in January and a few of them came in during the two weeks in between.

We divided them in three groups: the smallest (4-7 years old), the middle (8-13 years old) and the older (14-17 years old). The monitor team was composed by 8 Spanish and 1 French.

During these two weeks we did lots of different activities, including sporty and manual ones, treasure hunts, quizzes and trips to discover the city. During the first few days we did various manual activities in order to decorate the center, we made a little Christmas Creche and a Christmas tree.

Every morning we would meet in the theater and do some “good morning” activities. These included little gymnastic exercises, dancing and funny games. During one of these “morning activities” we were visited by a professional Italian cyclist Manuel Quinziato. He answered the children’s questions, signed autographs and took photos with the kids and the monitors.

On the 30th December we celebrated the New Year a little in advance. Each group of monitors prepared a show with their group. We then did a Skype with other associations, and to respect the Spanish New Year’s Eve tradition we ate 12 sweets instead of the 12 grapes.

On the last day we had a party to celebrate the end of Bosco Nadal, during which the children received a surprise visit form the two “paxes reis”. They told them some stories and distributed candies to the children and to the monitors too.


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