Tournament of Futsal 28th-31st of December

 Each year since 10 years, Don Bosco organizes a solidarity tournament of futsal for the "Operacìón Quilo". For approximately 2 months, the center collects food in order to redistribute it to people who need it in several places such as 2 parishes San Pedro and Fontiñias and associations (Arela, Cottolengo and Vagalume),

 To participate in the tournament each player needs to bring 1 kilo of food. This year, the tournament lasted 4 days starting from Wednesday night and ending the Saturday morning which was the day of the final.

During this 4 days, Andrea and I worked in the snack preparing sandwiches/coffees and selling tickets for the raffle while at the same time watching the match and supporting the team of Victor and Angel of Don Bosco.

My favorite moment was when the kids played an exhibition match.

The level of the competition was very high and even though Angel’s team lost on semi-final, it was a beautiful show and a nice experience for me.


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