Bosco Nadal

During the Christmas time, our hosting organization organized Bosco Nadal. It was a camp for kids during their holidays, which is very helpful for a lot of parents who have to work during this period.
It lasted two weeks, from Friday 22nd of December to Friday 5th of January. During this time our center organized a whole bunch of activities during the mornings from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The kids were separated in 2 groups , the mayores  aged from 14-17 and the pequeños, the smaller ones. The activities for the young ones were composed of a greeting activity, one handcraft and one bigger activity per day. Furthermore there was a little pause for eating and a time where they were free to play. 
The program of the mayores differed from the one of the younger kids. Although they participated in the greeting activity, they also had to organize some of the greetings themselves. After the greeting the groups were separated, so they could join different activities appropriate for their age.

The 2 weeks passed really fast. The handcrafts with the small ones were a huge success and very well organized. For the activities or games it was a little bit more difficult because of the rain, but somehow we managed to do it. Furthermore there were some special activities such as a puppet theater, a baking activity, or a day where people from red cross and other centers came to present their organizations and proposed different activities themselves.

At the end of each week there was a little highlight. The Friday before New years eve there was a fiesta, a small party with food and drinks organized for the children. Afterwards we went all to the theater room, where we were connected to other Youth Centers through a Skype session. So all the kids could eat together 12 smarties, relating to the Spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes on new years eve when the clock of the Cathedral strikes 12. Every grape allegorized 1 month of good luck in the coming year. 

The last Friday of Bosco Nadal was one day before TwelftNight (Día de los Reyes) on the 6th of January, a day of great importance in Spain especially for the children, as it's the day where they get their presents. For this day we prepared crowns in the handcraft activities, so the children could dress up as little kings. Moreover, we made cards on which the kids could write what they wish from the three kings. At 12, two messengers of the kings  and Apalpador arrived at our center to collect the cards, making sure the kings would know what the different kids wanted and to distribute some sweets and presents. After that there was a dancing party which all the kids  enjoyed extremely.


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