All about Christmas

The cathedral of Santiago, the narrow streets, the smell of seafood and the rain. These are the most noticed things about Santiago for me. It’s not that big city but it’s really unique and you can’t avoid falling in love with it.

After one month of volunteering in Santiago I can say that I arrived here in the busiest month of the year or this is what I think so far. It was all full of Christmas lights and music which brought joy to my soul.

In the center where I volunteer it was all about this important celebration. Typical Spanish sweets, gifts and Christmas decorations... We were super busy preparing for it. My favourite activity was the Christmas party because I love dancing and especially with kids!

In January the celebrations don’t end because here in Spain there’s another important day and it’s Reyes Magos on the 6th of January when children receive their gifts. Although many Spanish people are starting to receive them in the 25th of December. And yes, I also got a gift from Reyes Magos!

I’m so surprised at the amount of things I’ve learned about the Spanish culture and Christmas traditions, the friendships I made and the language that I’m starting to acquire during my first month!

So what’s next? More and more to learn! I’m so excited about the things I will learn, the adventures I will have and the stories I will tell here during the next eight months!

                                                                                                                                            Sahar Shatat


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