Barrio en festas (3rd May)

Five of us volunteers are living in street named Rua de San Pedro. We are lucky because place where 3 of us are working is only two minutes far away from our apartment and when it is raining (what is not so unusual in Santiago) we don’t need to walk so far away and only our foot are wet J But even better thing about our street is that twice a year there are celebrations – One is in May and another not much later, at the end of June. Last week we had an opportunity to enjoy one of them. 3th of May it was Spring Fair, in Spanish called Feria de Primavera. For a long time our street was full of workers who were making reconstructions of street and that day it was so strange not to be awakened by the sound of machines, but by the voices of many people and children who were from the early morning at the street. Through the open window were coming inside the smell of barbecue and sound of typical Galician music. It was the sign that it is time to go out and check what all offers Spr...