Erasmus +


Name: Olga 

Last Name: Belova

Age: 25
Country: Russia
Hosting Organization: ETL Don Bosco

Something about my country: Don't believe in stereotypes, Russia is much more than cold winters and mysterious Russian soul! In fact there are more than 160 nationalities with their own cultures and languages and you just can't stop exploring all this beautiful diversity.

Why am I here in Santiago? EVS project is a personal challenge and a chance to open myself. I am here to inspire people and to get a reflection.

Name: Filip
Last Name: Garzaro
Age: 19
Country: Luxembourg
Hosting Organization: ETL Don Bosco

Something about my country: Luxembourg may be one of the smallest countries of Europe, but also one with the most cultural diversity.

Why am I here in Santiago? I see EVS as an opportunity that we have. In my opinion everybody should consider doing at least 6 months of volunteering.

Name: Mine
Last Name: Caymaz
Age: 26
Country: Turkey
Hosting Organization: Os Tilos

Something about my country: Turks are the most hospitable people in the world, extremely respectful, friendly and sincere to foreigners.

Why am I here in Santiago? First time one year ago when I visited Santiago, I thought that galician people are super nice and friendly, I felt that I was in my hometown. So I decided to come here again to have more experience about Galicia

Name: Oleksandra
Last Name: Stupakovska
Age: 27
Country: Ukraine
Hosting Organization: CSC Santa Marta

Something about my country: To understand Ukraine you should come to Ukraine :) We have a lot of interesting things to show. And also Ukraine is really cheap country. So it is a good place to visit.

Why am I here in Santiago? Volunteering is a good chance to share my experience with others and to have some new knowledge for my future projects.

Name: Kristína
Last Name: Petrová
Age: 19
Country: Slovakia

Hosting Organization: CSC Fontiñas
Something about my country: Slovakia, even though it is not one of the big countries in Europe, has many things to offer: beautiful nature and landscape, really strong folk traditions and delicious food! 
Why am I here in Santiago? This project is a challenge for me, the possibility to grow personally and especially to get to know new country and language.

Name: Sahar
Last Name: Shatat
Age: 22
Country: Jordan
Hosting Organization: CSC José Saramago/Vite
Something about my country:  Maybe the first thing people remember about Jordan is Petra, but I have to say that It has many more things to see and places to visit. People in Jordan are so welcoming and they try to make visitors feel like they’re in their home.

Why am I here in Santiago? When I decided to do my EVS I chose to do it in Santiago to discover it more, to learn Galician language, to learn as much as I can about Galicia’s history, culture and people so I found volunteering in Social-cultural center a great way to achieve this goal.

2017- 2018

Name: Despoina-Anastasia
Last Name: Kritikou
Age: 23
Country: Greece
Hosting Organization: CSC Ensanche
Something about my country: "Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel" - Socrates

Name: Alena
Last Name: Semashko
Age: 29
Country: Belarus
Hosting Organization: CSC Castiñieriño
Something about my country: Belarus is a small country in Eastern Europe, famous for blue lakes and vast fields. Despite being a little conservative, we are very hospitable and welcoming for guests.

Name: Nadja
Last Name: Vujacic
Age: 26
Country: Serbia
Hosting Organization: ETL Don Bosco
Something about my country: Despite being stubborn, Serbian people show great personalities! During any day and any hour you can see people in the bars, because we are spending a lot of time with friends and family. 

Name: Shannon
Last Name: Barbier
Age: 20
Country: Luxembourg
Hosting Organization: ARC Os Tilos
Something about my country: Luxembourg is a really small country, however it is one of the most multicultural countries I know. Living in Luxembourg means to speak many different languages and to enjoy a varied culture which helps to develop your personality every day. 

Name: Patrik
Last Name: Pospisil
Age: 27
Country: Czech Republic
Hosting Organization: CSC Santa Marta
Something about my country: Czech Republic is a nice small country with really nice nature and history. Beer, girls and Prague are favourite topics for people abroad, but we have more interesting things in Czech Republic.

Name: Louis
Last Name: Schartz
Age: 23
Country: Luxembourg
Hosting Organization: ETL Don Bosco
Something about my country: Luxembourg is a great country, profiting since decades from many generations of immigrants who enrich our culture. Furthermore the wine, beer and food which aren't to famous throughout the world are of an high quality, so that you can easily enjoy life in Luxembourg. 

Name: Alexandra
Last Name: Marquet
Age: 20
Country: Belgium
Hosting Organization: CSC Fontiñas
Something about my country: In Belgium we understood what a person needed in order to be happy: french fries, beers and chocolates. These are the products, we are famous for.

Name: Ecem
Last Name: Sagiroglu
Age: 23
Country: Turkey
Hosting Organization: ARC Os Tilos
Something about my country: Turkey is a country where manynations and ethnic groups live together. We have so many great historical strucures and beautyful places. Our foods are an itegral part of our culture.

Name: Jakob
Last Name: Weidenauer
Age: 18
Country: Austria
Hosting Organization: CSC Vite
Something about my country: Austria is a small country compared to others in central Europe. It has shown great influence in Europe over the last centuries. I love the fact that people still confuse Austria and Australia because of their similar name.

Name: Pavlo
Last Name: Kelbas
Age: 25
Country: Ukraine
Hosting Organization: ARC Os Tilos
Something about my country: My country is the largest in Europe. On the one hand, Ukrainian people are very into having fun and celebrating with friends and family, we love football and drinks, so you could recognize these two as our most practiced exercises. Furthermore, there are a lot of holidays. On the other hand, we also love to follow politics, which is one of the most popular activities in Ukraine. Ukrainians are very kind and friendly people, so just visit our country and you will understand what i'm talking about.


Name : Amanda
Surname : Worsøe Andersen
Age : 19
Country : Denmark
Hosting organisation: CSC Fontiñas
Favorite movie : My favorite movie is Mulan, because she is a really cool and fights against what is socially accepted
Witch country / city would you like to visit the most ? I would like to visit every single country in world because I want to learn all the ways you can live in this world
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? What is most surprising about Santiago, for me, is that even though it is smaller city, it has all kinds of different cultural events happening at any time of the day - that is so cool and not something I expected before I got here.

Name : Duygu
Surname : Özgül
Age : 25
Country : Turkey
Hosting organisation: CSC Castiñeriño
Favorite movie : Interstellar
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most ? Central america (latin america)
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? Still have not rained like crazy so i guess thats surprising. And also its poorer than i expected.

Name : Dino
Surname : Vinkovic
Age : 26
Country :Croatia
Hosting organisation: CSC Santa Marta
Favorite movie : Batman (1989)
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most? Canada
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? About Santiago... I like people a lot. They seem very friendly and polite. And almost always they have a smile on their faces.

Name : Charlyn
Surname : Pagel
Age : 20
Country : Germany
Hosting organisation : CSC Vite
Favorite movie : Remember the Titans
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most? South Africa
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? The sun is shining in Santiago and there's not that much rain since we arrived.

Name : Josipa
Surname : Cvitić
Age : 18
Country : Austria
Hosting organisation : Centro Socioculturáis O Ensanche
Favorite movie : Difficult to answer, but I really liked the arab movie "Et maintenat, on va où?"
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most ?
France, Libanon, Guatemala, Myanmar.. I believe that there is something to discover in every country.
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? Most surprising fact; that the galician culture and language is so present and all around that you feel like you've moved to galicia, not really to classical,sunny spain. But that's okay, it's a way to learn about these different types of spain.

Name : Maixent
Surname : Halbert
Age : 20
Country :France
Hosting organisation:  Os Tilos
Favorite movie : Big Fish
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most ? New Zealand
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? The rain

Name : Nisrine
Surname : Abdelnebi
Age : 24
Country : France
Hosting organisation: Don Bosco
Favorite movie : Breakfast at tiffany's
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most? Australia
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? The rain

Name :  Anastasia
Surname : Anisimova
Age : 27
Country : Russia
Hosting organisation:  Os Tilos
Favorite movie : Manhattan
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most? Cuba
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? Tapas

Name Tanya (Tetiana)
Surname Korzh
Age 23 years old
Country :Ukraine
Hosting organisation: Os Tilos
Favorite movie : Leon
Witch country /city would you like to visit the most? Canada
What is the most surprising thing about Santiago? Nothing works on Sunday. Even big stores, and the weather!!also that people dont know English. And I like shells on the streets.


First name: Elisa
Surname: Schwab
Age: 19
Country: Austria
Activities in: ARC Os Tilos

First name: Goar
Surname: Giuldzhian
Age: 24
Country: Rusia
Activities in: CSC Santa Marta

First name: Héloïse
Surname: Gauvrit
Age: 22
Country: Francia
Activities in: CSC Fontiñas

First name: Alexander
Surname: Vetrenko
Age: 25 
Country: Rusia
Activities in: CSC O Ensanche

First name: Marina
Surname: Obradovic
Age: 26
Country: Serbia
Activities in: CSC José Saramago de Vite

First name: Imola
Surname: Csatlós
Age: 23
Country: Hungría
Activities in: ETL Don Bosco

dFirst name: Jessica
Surname: Horsin
Age: 23
Country: Francia
Activities in: ETL Don Bosco


   Name: Ezgi
   Surname: Yüce
   Age: 28
   Country: Turkey
   Workplace: CSC Santa Marta

   Name: Aukse
   Surname: Podolskyte
   Age: 23
   Country: Lituania
   Workplace: CSC Castiñeiriño

Name: Charlotte
Surname: Fégard
Age: 19
Country: France
Workplace: CSC Vite

   Name: Ekaterina
   Surname: Panova
   Age: 21
   Country: Russia
   Workplace: CSC Fontiñas

   Name: Ludovic
   Surname: Orban
   Age: 19
   Country: Luxembourg
   Workplace: Os Tios

   Name: Marie
   Surname: Maton
   Age: 22
   Country: France
   Workplace: ETL Don Bosco

   Name: Tom
   Surname: Fieuw
   Age: 20
   Country: Luxembourg
   Workplace: ETL Don Bosco

Name: Viviane
Surname: Ruf
Age: 18
Country: Alemania
Workplace: ARC Os Tilos

Name: Mathieu
Surname: Binder
Age: 18
Country: Luxemburgo
Workplace: ARC Os Tilos

   Name: Judith
   Surname: Clauss
   Age: 18
   Country: Alemania
   Workplace: ETL Don Bosco


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