Youth in action
Acting, Psychology
CSC Vite
book: -
movie: Back to the future
quote: -
best in Santiago is the daily life, the people, the culture
favorite place in Santiago is -
really surprised me in Spain is -
favorite dish here is the Mexican food and all the Spanish
food in general
I like best in my county is the tradition
miss my family
don't miss at all the climate
thing I forgot home is -
funny anecdote: Every moment here is really funny!
Nickname: Alya
Age: 23
Country: Belarus
Studies: Graduated this year from the Belarusian national technical university
Workplace: Conxo
Favorite book: -
Favorite movie: Sex and the City
Favorite quote: "Whatever you do, it will be for the best, anything that’s done, it’s done for the best".
The best in Santiago is that everything is so close.
My favorite place in Santiago is the old part of the city
What really surprised me in Spain is that the people are really crazy!
My favorite dish here is octopus (pulpo) and seafood.
What I like best in my country is my friends, my family
I miss my cat
I don't miss at all my coat
One thing I forgot home is nothing.
A funny anecdote: Once I arrived at work one hour early because my computer had changed the time and my flatmates didn’t tell me anything either.
Nickname: Anni, änn
Age: 20
Country: Germany
Studies: A-level from high school
Workplace: CSC Frontinas
Favourite book: Plötzlich Shakespeare
Favourite movie: The Three Musketeers
Favourite quote: "Take your time to make history "
The best in Santiago is that there is so many people from all over Europe
My favorite place in Santiago is the place in front of the cathedral
What really surprised me in Spain is that when I arrived here our flat was so dirty!
My favorite dish here is the Santiago pie
What I like best in my county is the personality and the way of life of the people in Bavaria
I miss my family, my friends and my village
I don't miss at all the weather, because it's as bad as here
One thing I forgot home is my rubber boots!
A funny anecdote:
Nickname: Drony
Age: 19
Country: Latvia
Studies: Final exams
Workplace: Conxo
Favorite book: The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Favorite movie: The Pursuit of Hapiness
Favorite quote: "It's not wrong, it's not right, it's just different."
The best in Santiago are the parties!
My favorite place in Santiago is BABEL (bar).
What really surprised me in Spain is that everything is so slow here; nobody is in a hurry!
My favorite dish here is tapas!
What I like best in my county is the Baltic Sea.
I miss my people
I don't miss at all the cold
One thing I forgot home is my fifth bag!
A funny anecdote: Every party is a funny story! Once somebody stole my scarf at the disco (I'm sure it was a girl!) It was not very funny for me, but my flatmates laughed a lot!
Nickname: Hrisi
Age: 28
Country: Bulgaria
Studies: Learning by living
Workplace: Os Tilos - CSL
Favorite book: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Favorite movie: Life is Beautiful
Favorite quote: "A journey of one thousand miles begins with a first step".
The best in Santiago is the globetrotters
My favorite place in Santiago is to early to say right now
What really surprised me in Spain is the many cultural similarities with my country
My favorite dish here is Nora's soups and Marine's sweets
What I like best in my county is nature.
I miss the people I love and
I don't miss at all the chaos in Sofia
One thing I forgot home is a reserve-raki
Something funny that happened to me in Spain (anecdote): Getting sick on a sunday.

Nickname: Poky
Age: 25
Country: France
Studies: Business school
Workplace: The ludoteca of Don Bosco
Favorite book: The name of the wind of Patrick Rothfuss
Favorite movie: The lord of the rings
Favorite quote: "Trust can kill you or set you free"
The best in Santiago is the old part of the city becaue I love to get lost in all its small streets
My favorite place in Santiago is the bank on the hill above the gardens of Belvís park
What really surprised me in Spain is the rhythm of life which completely different from the one we have in France (I don't know how can they wait 4pm to have lunch)
My favorite dish here is the empanadas of tuna and the crema de Orujo (a kind of fritter stuffed with tuna and a tipical beverage of Santiago that tastes like Bailey's)
What I like best in my country is my city, Grenoble, and its mountains
I miss my family, my boyfriend and my friends
I don't miss at all the subway and the life I had in Paris before I came here
One thing I forgot home is my jacket for skiing!
A funny anecdote: My boyfriend, Thomas, came to visit me and after a really good diner in a restaurant, we decided to go for a walk in a park: Bonaval park. It’s a really nice one, on a hill and full of small paths across the forest. It’s supposed to be a funny idea to walk in the night in the forest in the arms of your boyfriend…but definitely not in the only park with that close at 11pm!! Without this small but useful peace of information, we entered the park at 10.45pm and had a nice time together climbing above the hill, then we realized that we were trapped. I must admit that my small self start to freak out a bit at the idea of being trapped alone in a park without lights for the night, hopefully Thomas had more self-control. He finds a place where the stone walls were not so high (just 3m instead of 5, easy!) and we managed to climb (he managed and I did my best to follow) and jump outside (me in skirt and high heels, please!). That’s is called learning from your mistakes: you should always be careful before entering parks a night in Santiago!
Nickname: Nori, No
Age: 21
Country: Austria
Studies: two years of studying for becoming a teacher (english, spanish) in Austria
Workplace: the ludoteca of Don Bosco
Favorite book: Everything by the writer Terry Pratchett
Favorite movie: The Nightmare before Christmas
Favorite quote: "The whole of life is just like watching a film. Only it's as though you always get in ten minutes after the big picture has started, and no-one will tell you the plot, so you have to work it out all yourself from the clues." (Terry Pratchett)
The best in Santiago is that you discover something new day by day
My favorite place in Santiago is the café “La Flor” in the Porta do Camiño
What really surprised me in Spain is that the Spanish go out every single day of the week!
My favorite dish here is lentils – in every variation!
What I like best in my county is the mountains
I miss the Austrian traditional sweets like gingerbread, “Mozartkugeln”, “Mannerschnitten”...
I don't miss at all getting up at 7 in the morning in order to go to university
One thing I forgot home is my college block
A funny anecdote: Once I was in a shop in order to buy vegetables and, when I was about to leave the shop, the elderly shopkeeper called me “mona”. At that time I did not know the meaning of this word and so I immediately thought about the Spanish word “mono” (= monkey) and, as a result, was quite irritated and never went to the shop again. (Until I learned that “mona” actually means pretty )

Nickname: Kiko
Age: 20
Country: Luxembourg
Studies: Finished school of Educator
Workplace: Os Tilos - CSL
Favorite book: Die Grosse Flatter
Favorite movie: Inglorious Bastards
Favorite quote: "I'll put one in the next days !"
The best in Santiago is
My favorite place in Santiago is
What really surprised me in Spain is the working time, the siesta time and the outgoing time
My favorite dish here is the empenadas
What I like best in my county is that is small and you never have to go far. Soulkitchen :-P
I miss my parents, my sister and my cat
I don't miss at all the outgoing in Luxembourg
One thing I forgot home is my little book in which I used to write and draw
A funny anecdote: There was this Camp in february in Os Tilos which went from Monday till Wednesday. Usually I work from 3:45 until 9:30. That Monday i met Marine in the Kitchen with her boyfriend an she asked me if I don't work today. It was some kind of free day but in Os Tilos you always work on these days and as I said it was the camp week. And I said “yeah i work at 3:45”. At that time when she asked me it was 2 o'clock an thats when I realized that its the week of the camp! My working time of the Camp was from 9:30 to 14:30. So I was about 5 hours late. I did not want to tell Marine in that time that I was late so I went to the bathroom to call the association. They said it was no problem an i had to go to work the same day at usual time from 3:45 to 9:30.

Age: 20
Country: France
Studies: Psychology
Workplace: The ludoteca of Don Bosco
Favorite book: All the books of H.Murakami
Favorite movie: One flew over the cuckoo's nest (M.Forman)
Favorite quote: "According to me, the human dignity of a person can be seen in his way to choose a sofa"
The best in Santiago is that there is always something happening (cultural events, concerts, traditional feast)
My favorite place in Santiago is the Belvís park
What really surprised me in Spain is the crowd in the streets a 5 in the morning
My favorite dish here is the peppers from Padron and the coffee liquor
What I like best in my country is the cultural diversity
I miss the people, the music and Eric Zemmour
I don't miss at all my mean cat
One thing I forgot home is my ball of basketball
A funny anecdote: I was in a pulperia with my father. And as he stayed in Galicia just for a while , we decided to order some typical dishes : el pulpo (the octopus), los pimientos de Padron (the pepers), and a last one with a strange name :“Orejas”...Let's try what is it! But, we regretted when we saw 20 ears of pork in the plate!

Nickname: Big Brother
Age: 28
Country: Serbia
Studies: Finished studies at Faculty of sports and physical eduacation
Workplace: Centro Don Bosco
Favorite book: "Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy", Daglas Adams; "Songs of fire and ice", George R.R. Martin
Favorite movie: Memento
Favorite quote: "Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional"
The best in Santiago is many oportunities for leisure time
My favorite place in Santiago is all the parks.
What really surprised me in Spain is that nothing works during siesta time.
My favorite dish here is empanada!
What I like best in my county is Exit festival
I miss my friends and family.
I don't miss at all turbo-folk music.
One thing I forgot home is my football shoes.
A funny anecdote: We are sitting in a bar. We got pigs' ears for tapas, and I got beer in a chilled glass. The glass was so cold that some beer got frozen and formed a shape in the glass. But Andrijana saw something different and said "You got a frozen ear in the beer". :)
Country: Portugal
Studies: International Baccalaureate (IB)
Workplace: Don Bosco
Favorite book: all by Harlan Coben
Favorite movie: The Sixth Sense
Favorite quote: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you".
We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
The best in Santiago is you can always find some place to go no matter what time it is :p
My favorite place in Santiago is my bed
What really surprised me in Spain is everything happens so late..
My favorite dish here is empanadas
What I like best in my county is the landscape
I miss my friends and family... and my turtles :)
I don't miss at all getting up early
One thing I forgot home is my sunglasses.. oh wait I don't need them, it's raining!!
Country: Portugal
Studies: International Baccalaureate (IB)
Workplace: Don Bosco
Favorite book: all by Harlan Coben
Favorite movie: The Sixth Sense
Favorite quote: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you".
We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
The best in Santiago is you can always find some place to go no matter what time it is :p
My favorite place in Santiago is my bed
What really surprised me in Spain is everything happens so late..
My favorite dish here is empanadas
What I like best in my county is the landscape
I miss my friends and family... and my turtles :)
I don't miss at all getting up early
One thing I forgot home is my sunglasses.. oh wait I don't need them, it's raining!!
Name: Lynn
Nickname: Lynnchen
Age: 18
Country: Luxembourg
Studies: Psychology and pädagogik social
Workplace: Os Tilos
Favorite book: Schreckensbleich
Favorite movie: Slumdog Millionnaire
Favorite quote: "The best in Santiago is tapas, fiesta"
My favorite place in Santiago is everywhere
What really surprised me in Spain is the time that they begin with the party
My favorite dish here is pulpo
What I like best in my county is my friends
I miss my friends and my family
I don't miss at all the school
One thing I forgot home is my i-pod
A funny anecdote: that it was here my first time I met one girl from armenia and I love her very much :)
Name: Andrijana
Nickname: Andri
Age: 23
Country: Serbia
Studies: Hispanic Philology
Workplace: Csc Jose Saramago de Vite
Favorite book: Signs by the roadside, Ivo Andrić
Favorite movie: I don't have a favorite movie. I like spanish ones..
Favorite quote: "When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it, Paulo Coelho"
The best in Santiago is it's history and tradition
My favorite place in Santiago is the streets for tourists in the old part
What really surprised me in Spain is the difference between the regions of Spain
My favorite dish here is tapas, no matter what it is
What I like best in my county is yogurt
I miss my house
I don't miss at all public transport
One thing I forgot home is my swimsuit
A funny anecdote: One day all volunteers went to bar Orella. In Rade's beer there was something weird and I said he had a frozen ear in the beer. Actually, it was just ice. They still make fun of me because of that.
Name: Jean-Baptiste
Nickname: Jb, Juan, Bautista, ...
Age: 25
Country: France
Studies: Marketing, Sale, Management, Communication, Coaching people.
Workplace: Don Bosco
Favorite book: The thousand and one nights
Favorite movie: Forest Gump
Favorite quote: "La liberte des uns s´arrete la ou commence celle des autres"
The best in Santiago is The rain ^^
My favorite place in Santiago is Don Bosco
What really surprised me in Spain is the fatty foods
My favorite dish here is Mejillones fritos
What I like best in my county is the sun, the sea and the warmth
I miss my RICARD
I don't miss at all fake people
One thing I forgot home is my bed
A funny anecdote: I said "come mi" instead of "como mi" to some people then they smiled without telling me that it was a mistake. Hola, my name is Jean-Baptiste but I am called "Juan" over here (much easier for foreigners) but choose the one it seems rememberable, I don´t mind.
My hometown is located in South of France, more precisely between Nimes, Arles and Avignon in a village named Jonquieres-Saint-Vincent. Besides, Saint Vincent is the Saint of the win growers and he is celebrated on the 22nd of January. During 3 days, it involves bull races in the streets and parties in the bodega (bar) until late in the morning drinking Ricard.
This region (situated between the Languedoc (catalogna), the Provence and the Camargues) is plenty of events and leisures to amaze yourself, wonderful sights to visit and to fill your memory card in a short time with its warm climat.
Nickname: Anulka
Age: 26
Country: Armenia
Studies: Law
Workplace: Centro Sociocultural Das Fontiñas
Favorite book: "Loneliness in a Network" by Yanush Vishnevsky
Favorite movie:
Favorite quote: "Never say never"
The best in Santiago is everything
My favorite place in Santiago is Alameda Park
What really surprised me in Spain is
My favorite dish here is Octopus
What I like best in my county is
I miss my family, my friends
Age: 26
Country: Armenia
Studies: Law
Workplace: Centro Sociocultural Das Fontiñas
Favorite book: "Loneliness in a Network" by Yanush Vishnevsky
Favorite movie:
Favorite quote: "Never say never"
The best in Santiago is everything
My favorite place in Santiago is Alameda Park
What really surprised me in Spain is
My favorite dish here is Octopus
What I like best in my county is
I miss my family, my friends
Name: Anne
Nickname: Schumi
Age: 24
Country: Luxembourg
for kindergarden
Workplace: Os
book: The Pillars of the Earth (Ken Follet)
movie: Django
quote: “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and
start being positive about what could go right”
best in Santiago is the old part of the city, the young
people, not far away from the beach My
favorite place in Santiago is Belvis park
really surprised me in Spain is to have a drink for 2
euros with free tapas !
favorite dish here is paella
I like best in my county is my friends and my family
miss my friends and family
don't miss at all the cold weather
thing I forgot home is :P
Name: Daria
Nickname: Dasha
Age: 22
Country: Russia
Studies: Management
Workplace: Os
book: Master & Margarita
movie: Paris te amo
quote: Think, live, search
best in Santiago is the people, the bars and the
favorite place in Santiago is the Parc Alameda
really surprised me in Spain is the slow rhythm of
life, dining late and the parties that begin at 4 a.m
favorite dish here is pulpo, seafood and empanadas
I like best in my county is the wonderful nature
miss my friends, family and my job
don't miss at all the climate
thing I forgot home is my laptop
funny anecdote : one of the first days, I went to a
shop and asked “¿Hablas español?”... they laughed a lot! :)
Name: Antoine
Nickname: Tony
Age: 21
Country: Luxembourg
Studies: Bachelor
in Arts
Workplace: Centro
Don Bosco
book: El juego del Àngel
(Carlos Ruiz Zàfon)
movie : Dead Man ( Jim Jarmusch)
quote: "Méi Chance wéi Verstand"
best in Santiago is that nothing is far away
favorite place in Santiago is Bonaval park
really surprised me in Spain is the free tapas
favorite dish here is Navajas
I like best in my county is the many language
miss my little sisters (just a little bit)
don't miss at all the Luxembourgish pubs
thing I forgot home is the charger of my laptop
Name: Nicolas
Nickname: Nico
Age: 21
Country: France
Studies: Bachelor
in Business & Marketing
Workplace: Centro
Don Bosco
book: Candide, Voltaire
movie: Le prénom
quote: Cultivate our garden
best in Santiago is lots of tapas bars
favorite place in Santiago is Barrika bar
really surprised me in Spain is the nice people, they
talk a lot (more than me incredible !!)
favorite dish here is Calamares, Tortilla, Paella
I like best in my county is the food
miss my friends, family and my dog
don't miss at all my French issues
thing I forgot home is my lenses
Name: Simona
Age: 20
Country: Italia
Studies: High
school Diploma
Workplace: Social
and cultural center : Santa Marta
book: La
casa de los espiritus – Isabel Allende
movie: Mulan - Disney
quote: “A chi non beve vino o birra, Dio neghi anche
l’acqua” people who are not drinking wine or beer, god denies to
give them water too
best in Santiago is
favorite place is my Italian’s house
really surprised me in Spain is the rain, it’s always
raining. And Spanish are not patient with the people who don’t
speak spanish
favorite dish here is tortilla and I like empanada too
What I like best in my county is the food
miss my friends, family and my bed
don't miss at all people from my city
thing I forgot home is hot clothes
funny anecdote : I cut 2 umbrellas in 1 day cause of the
wind !!!
Name: Charlotte
Nickname: Lola
Age: 18
Country: Alemania
Studies: Management
in Media comunication
Workplace: CSC
Das Fontintiñas
book: "La historia interminable" (Michael Ende)
movie: "Le premier jour du reste de ta vie" (Rémi
quote: "Don't worry, be happy!"
best in Santiago is many tapas bars
favorite place in Santiago is a bank next to the
Bonnaval park where you have a perfect view of the city
really surprised me in Spain is everything is closed
from 2 to 4 pm
favorite dish here is churros with chocolate
I like best in my county is my friends and my family
(Sure that they are the best of my country). The bread, Berlin and
the night life, Christmas and (some aspects) of the politic system.
don't miss at all waiting for the bus
thing I forgot home is my socks because here at least I
need 3 couples
Name: Martin
Nickname: Zahradnik
Age: 30
Country: Czech
Studies: Worked
in IT, web designer
Workplace: Castiñeirino
book: Does god play Dice ?
movie: Inception
quote: “Doing the right thing is more important tan
doing the thing right” (P.F. Drucker)
best in Santiago is a small city and I like it
favorite place in Santiago is the Abastos’ market,
Casa Pepe, Fraggle Rock
really surprised me in Spain is the airports, they are
a lot : for nothing
favorite dish here is for the moment I don’t know
because I didn’t find a place with ecological food.
I like best in my county is Czech beer, landscapes, the
good sense of humor
miss my Czech beer, temperature around 20°C in the house
don't miss at all the political swollen
thing I forgot home is my camera
your experiences looks really nice but I would like to ask you about Castiñeiriño center for EVS? I see that only Martin is a volunteer there so how is it? Do you enjoy> Because there is not any post from him in this blog...