During your volunteering service under the EUROPEAN SOLIDARITY CORPS you have the chance to develop a personal project. Usually is a great opportunity because you can learn more about an area you are interested. Some people are organizing events, other curses depends on your personal preferences ... so take a look at some of the projects we develop during our stay in Santiago de Compostela...


by Didi, Bulgaria
volunteer @ ETL Don Bosco 15 May 2019 - 15 Dec 2019

The theme of the camp this year was "Discover your talent" which directly inspired me to use the variety of water color stains for the badges. Each participant had a different stain as we all have a different combination of talents that makes us unique in this world. After the idea grow and the porter was born and step by step we had a full print cover for the summer camp. The greatest part for me was that I had the chance to design for the fist time a event bracelet. Will always remember when the order arrived and I saw it. The feeling was AMAZING ! :)

The project consisted the desing :  
1. Poster 
2. Information flier for the parents 
3. Information book for the participants 
4. Event bracelet 
5. Information posters for the transport used during the excursion
6. Badges for mentors and participants 
7. Information poster for the info deck

More materials and info about the project : Urbano?fbclid=IwAR0isog725pipwPIUc9FenEwmQQ-eTPWEpQkyzOl-hQraqgmy2eCA7XuESw


by Ause Podolskyte
volunteer @ ETL Don Bosco 2015

" Welcome to the land of rain, tapas, beautiful nature and bagpipe music …and that‟s not all! "

We hope that this guide will accompany you during the project with a useful advice and will make your stay less complicated! We tried to do our best by giving tips according to our EXPERIENCES.

This guide is from volunteers to volunteers! All the pictures and information you see was collected and transformed into this beautiful book.

Shortly about the structure and the parts of guide. The main focus is on Santiago de Compostela and Galicia because you will spend most of the time here. We even made a list of films you can watch when it is raining (it is not enough, we know, we expect you to find some by yourself)!

As your time is limited (and it flies, trust us) “disfurtalo y aprovechalo”!


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