VII EMAX in Padrón

November 28 th , 2015 I had the opportunity to assist to the VII EMAX what this year was organized in Padrón. The event gave space to share experiences associatives and publicize the developed work of the associations in different areas. The aim was to create a space of reflection where can be ciculated the importance of the no-formal education, the participation and the compromise of the youth as much in nivel individual as through associations. How is it for a european volunteer? This is a really good opportunity to meet local volunteers like european volunteers of other associations and we have the possibility to deepen a little more in our center's activities or to get know the activities of other associations. It can be useful, especially, if we have to give some information about our hosting center with our quite fresh knowledge because it helps me to know more about it or to know better what is it about. The conferencies were in galician a...