Carnival in 2016

In Galicia, February is definitely the month of Carnival. A lot of galician cities are indeed well-known for their carnival like Xinzo de Limia, Laza, or Ourense. I was in Ourense. I was really surprised and enthusiastic to see everyone disguised in the street, people there really like to do things big ! In the center Don Bosco, monitors and children also like to celebrate Carnival. We started to prepare the carnival parade one month ago. We decided to choose the Olympic Game as the theme of our group. As a consequence, with a lot of paint, cardboard and imagination we created all the equipement needed : a television camera, an olympic torch, flags and various sports accessories like weights and discus. With the children of the center we also did traditional masks for this occasion. All was ready for the carnival parade ! On February, the 9th we participated in the carnival parade organised by the city council in Santiago de Compostela disguised in Don Bosco champions ! Except t...