Maratón de dibujo Sketchcrawl

Last weekend, Alice, a volunteer we met at de Training and who works in a Coruña, came visit us in Santiago. In fact, she came to participate with a friend to a "Drawing-Marathon", and she invited me to join her. The marathon consisted of a group of 20 artists (painters, drawers, architects, photographers or just amateurs) meeting at the Mercado de Abastos to draw, paint or take photos. It was the first time I spend some time at the market, and I realized what an interesting atmosphere it has. It reminds me of the markets in the south of France: same noise, same people, similar products... the only thing that is really different is the rain (which made outside-drawing quite difficult for me)! After this sketch-session, we went all together to the Bar Pampin near the Plaza de San Pedro to eat lunch, show each others work and exchange experiences. I spend a lot of time comparing the cultural politics of Belgium (where I studied) and Spain with a local architect. Unfo...